2023–2024 Operating Budget


Tuition $  31,076,357 72.1%
Endowment Income  5,329,167 12.4%
Annual Giving  4,756,755 11%
Student Fees 
 620,479 1.4%
Other Revenue  1,315,500 3.1%
Total Revenue $ 43,098,258 100%


Faculty & Staff Salaries  $ 26,396,102 61.3% 
Instruction & Administration
 7,241,550 16.8%
Campus Operations  5,730,647 13.3% 
Financial Aid
 3,576,795 8.3%
Capital Improvements 150,000 0.3% 
Total Expense $ 43,095,094 100%

Net Operating Surplus

Revenues Total $43,098,258 
Expenses Total (43,095,094)
Total $3,164

*Figures rounded to nearest dollar.
© 2023 St. Mark’s School of Texas  |  10600 Preston Road  |  Dallas, Texas 75230  |  214-346-8000  |  smtexas.org