2023–2024 Actual Operating Revenue & Expenses


Tuition $31,466,516 69.5%
Endowment Income   5,237,401 11.6%
Annual Giving   5,674,054 12.5%
Student Fees 
  622,278 1.4%
Other Revenue   2,270,085 5.0%
Total Revenue $45,270,333 100%


Faculty & Staff Salaries  $27,175,238 60.0%
Instruction & Administration
 6,904,080 15.3%
Campus Operations   5,175,288 11.4%
Tuition Assistance
  3,421,261 7.6%
Capital Improvements   2,594,000 5.7%
Total Expense $45,269,866 100%

Net Operating Surplus

Revenues Total $45,270,333
Expenses Total (45,269,866)
Total $468 

*Figures rounded to nearest dollar.
© 2023 St. Mark’s School of Texas  |  10600 Preston Road  |  Dallas, Texas 75230  |  214-346-8000  |  smtexas.org